Infants and Toddlers (birth to three years of age) who:
Have a 25% delay or who score 1.5 standard deviations below the mean in one or more areas of development.
Have a diagnosis or condition that has a high probability of leading to a developmental delay.
Are eligible through use of Informed Clinical Opinion (used when there are no available standardized measures or the standardized measures are not appropriate for a child's age or developmental area).
Are "at risk" of developing a delay due to any of the following:
-Stay in a hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
-Birth weight less than 3 pounds 5 ounces (1500 grams)
-Prenatal exposure to drugs or alcohol
-Involvement with Children, Youth and Family Service
-Elevated lead levels as confirmed by the CDC
-Experiencing Homelessness as defined by the Act 143 Amendment to Pennsylvania Act 212
Your Service Coordinator will:
Recognize and respect your family as your child's first and most important teacher.
Work with you to set goals.
Monitor your child's development and progress.
Coordinate and monitor the delivery of Early Intervention services
Help your child transition into community supports, services and programs when appropriate
Service Coordination
Parents or guardians of children residing in Allegheny County may call our office at (412) 885-6000 and ask to speak with our intake department, or you may also complete this electronic referral form to enroll in Early Intervention Services.
Please DO NOT complete this form:
if your child will turn 3 within 2 months of today's date
if you are not the child’s parent or legal guardian
if your child is currently placed in Foster Care
if your family is currently involved with CYF
if you are in the process of adoption
if an interpreter is needed
If you cannot complete the form in its entirety, please call our office at 412-885-6000.
Physicians, medical personnel, other community agencies, and other family members can also make referrals to the Alliance with parent permission by calling our office at 412-885-6000.
For children residing in Beaver County, call Beaver County Behavioral Health at 724-891-2827.