We offer specialized support to foster the mental health and well-being of infants and their caregivers. Our Infant Mental Health (IMH) services focus on the social-emotional development of children and the overall family dynamics.
IMH Specialist Consultation
Children and families can receive ongoing support and developmental monitoring from our IMH specialist. Our IMH specialist is available to provide support options and guidance for families facing various challenges:
Caregivers with a positive PHQ-9 score or other mental health concerns whose child is not eligible for an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or our Developmental Tracking program.
Children with attachment or social-emotional development issues who is not eligible for an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or our Developmental Tracking program.
We can also offer assistance when a caregiver seeks information on counseling or support services. If you think you or your child could benefit from our IMH services, please let us know. Our specialist will contact you to discuss how we can assist you with available support options.